now knows that you should brush your teeth
several times a day. But research shows that
this is not enough. Whether you brush manually
or using an electric toothbrush you only clean
the inner, outer and chewing surfaces of your
teeth, leaving more than half of dental plaque
between your teeth. Various techniques have
tackled the problem but none has proved
successful. Dental floss only loosens plaque
without removing it, while water-jets fail to
remove plaque from the surface of the teeth.
Worse, if improperly used they may actually
harm teeth. LyreJet® is the first and only
system that uses the threefold combination of
dental floss + double jet + vibrations. As its
French dental surgeon inventor stresses,
"Until we wake up to the fact that we also
need to clean between the teeth we will never
overcome dental problems such as caries,
gingivitis and tartar leading to the need for
crowns , dental
and other serious focal infections .
Until now there has been no way of properly
cleaning the spaces between the teeth. Today,
LyreJet® system gives perfect cleaning of the
interproximal spaces, removing plaque, tartar
and bacteria from all the spaces that a
toothbrush leaves untouched. The resulting
hygiene ensures the prevention of cavities and
the formation of tartar that lead to
gingivitis and hitherto-uncontrollable
loosening of teeth. LyreJet® protects teeth
and strengthens gums. And since the teeth stop
deteriorating there is no more need for crowns
and other dentures. In addition, by providing
ongoing protection from infection the LyreJet®
prevents other serious conditions that are
dental in origin such as sinusitis, kidney and
joint disease... even heart disease ("focal
infections"). Given that the World Health
Organisation ranks dental caries and
periodontal conditions (i.e. diseases of the
tissues supporting the teeth) in third place
among public health threats, this invention
represents a major health revolution for
countless numbers of people. Ten years + of
clinical experience have proved that the
effectiveness of this patented technology
protects teeth*. Recommended by dentists for
patients from age 4, the Lyre-Jet® system also
protects existing dental work. The use of
LyreJet® after brushing takes only 90 secondes
yhe reach the global Oral Care. The system is
easy and simple to use: the dental floss
removes plaque and tartar while avoiding gums;
the double jet simultaneously rinses the gaps
between the teeth. LyreJet® system is
available from pharmacies (French ACL
Code: ACL 709.187.9) and includes three heads
and 30 floss refills (code ACL 709.188.5).
* See Information dentaire (dental
bulletin) No. 37/91 in the Journal de
Parodontologie (Journal of Periodontal
medicine) Vol. 9 - No. 4/90